What is HAN & HEN?

What is HAN & HEN?

PS3Xploit 3.0 “etHANol”, shortened to “HAN”, is an addition to PS3Xploit which allows the installation of PKG files on OFW. While it cannot be used to install homebrew PKGs (See HEN for this), it can be used to install PS3, PS2, PS1, and PSP game backups. HAN is currently only stably supported on 4.84 HFW.

  • 4.81 – 4.84 Supported
  • PS3 4.84 (or lower), you have the option to install PS3Xploit 3.0 (“HAN”) by updating to 4.84 HFW, to run game backups etc.


HEN is an improvement upon HAN, it is a Homebrew Enabler with more functions.


  • PS3 Console v4.84 (or lower)
  • A USB storage device, formatted as FAT32 with 32kb allocation size
  • HAN support file, HAN & HEN installation pkg
  • Hybrid Firmware (HFW_4.84.2)


The pages on this website/web-blog should cover any missing information, additional helpful tips and everything that is included in the links below.



HAN Tutorial (deprecated?)